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Why We Chose eXp

Writer's picture: evergreenkeygroupevergreenkeygroup

We’ve recently been approached by a lot of people that are interested in getting into real estate but aren’t sure where to start. To be honest when we first decided we were going to make the jump into a career we had absolutely no clue what we were doing either. We broke it down to okay who do we know that can give us insights on what this world is like and give us details on what exactly to do. It’s so much easier to learn from someone who is already in the business than to try to go at it on your own. Once we met with a handful of agents we personally knew we did research on each brokerage and weighed the pros and cons of each. We eventually landed on eXp because of numerous reasons that we wanted to share! First – Why Join eXp? Mission statement on their website: As one of the fastest growing cloud-based brokerage, we empower agents to earn, learn, and grow like never before. Through our state-of-the-art technology, unrivaled compensation structure, and global reach, we are putting agents at the core of the company, enabling them to open the door to success and financial freedom. Transforming the Real Estate Experience The number one important thing for us was to get to be our own bosses. We didn’t want to have to pay someone else for our success or have to report to anyone. We’ve have always had entrepreneur tendencies and we decided that this was our chance to see it through. eXp was one of the only brokerages that does not have a desk fee, meaning you don’t need to pay to use a desk in an office because it is entirely cloud-based. You can work from anywhere at anytime and eXp embraced that by creating an online “world”. In the World you are able to speak to other agents, attend classes, get IT help, learn about Healthcare options, talk to HR, etc. Basically anything you would do in a normal office setting you get to do on the web. How awesome is that!? They have transformed the way real estate is done and have expanded that concept into 17 different countries with over 72,000 agents.

Top Training For Agents At eXp, all agents have access to extensive training to advance their skillsets to the highest level. This is especially important as a new agent because you need to absorb all the information and experience you can to gain clients respect and start to build your business. In the World they have 50+ hours of weekly live training with trainers and top agents across the nation. They also host the largest real estate convention in the world in Las Vegas every year called eXpcon where you can meet agents, attend in-person trainings and listen to speaks like Venus Williams & Mario Lopez. Last year, 2021, over 6,500 agents attended.

Unrivaled Commission Spilts This was a big driving factor in why we chose eXp over all other brokerage. Their commission plan is designed to benefit the agents, not the company. Each agent is given an 80/20 split, meaning they keep 80% of the sale, and eXp keeps 20%. This is pretty standard across brokerages except eXp isn’t keeping that money, they are investing it into stock. So when you cap at $16,000 you get that 20% back into a stock award.

Agent Healthcare

eXp agents can have exclusive access to industry-leading plans for themselves and their families, which provide a unique balance between affordability and high-quality coverage. Many plans include low copays, low out-of-pocket costs and zero-dollar deductibles. That means agents will be able to get the healthcare they need at prices substantially below traditional open-market health plans.

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